Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why can't I just win the lottery?!

If it's not one thing, it's always another. Our list of need to replace items is getting longer and longer. A washer and dryer have been up there for a few weeks now. Now we can add a dishwasher, refridgerator, and computer. The holidays have hurt our pockets big time shortly after my maternity leave. We have some major catching up to do and have been working our butts off to get there. It's just frustrating when we start working towards one thing and then something else comes along with it. Overtime is forbidden at my job. David's job offers it about once a month, if that. We've cut back on things and started budgeting big time. We are determined to get back on track like we were before Lincoln arrived. It's just going to take some time, patience, and hard work!

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